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About Our Church



Our purpose is to make disciples of all peoples in the context of our community and spread the passion of knowing Him to the ends of the earth. ​


Our mission is to be a body of believers that lives for Christ in learning His Word, loving His people, and living His mission together in the power of the Holy Spirit. 


Together, we are dedicated to employing a zealous prayer ministry, engaging in fervent evangelism, experiencing genuine community, empowering with authoritative Bible teaching, and engaging the entire membership in service to the body of Christ.


For a Summary of our Beliefs look at the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 and for further clarity on what we teach, see the other statements endorsed by our pastor.


The Baptist Faith and Message 2000


The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy


Dallas Statement on Social Justice


The Nashville Statement on Human Sexuality


The Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood



The beginning of Bartlesville First Baptist Church dates back to 1867 when a northeast Kansas and a Delaware Indian was converted by a Baptist missionary.  It was Chief Charles Journeycake, leader of the Delaware tribe, who led his people from Kansas into Indian Territory (Oklahoma), and who shouldered that task.


The Delaware had been displaced or removed from the land six times, had their property and livestock taken from them, and suffered numerous killings.  In spite of that, he said...


We are glad you are interested in joining us! We hope your visit with us will be enjoyable and the first of many. We know finding the right church home can make all the difference in your walk with Christ, and everyday living for you and your family.  We encourage you to ask questions, engage as much as you want to and even help us serve our community.  We hope you'll come to call First Baptist home.


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