Women's Ministry
Women serving and loving each other in order to proclaim Christ and strengthen believers through discipleship, Bible studies, ministries, and events.
Serving the women of northeastern Oklahoma, BFBC Women's Ministry provides opportunities each year for fun, fellowship, worship, evangelism and discipleship.
Get involved!
Disciple U classes particular to women are offered in the Fall on Wednesday nights for 8 weeks. It is refreshing, personal, and a sweet time to meet other women in the church. It offers a deep study of the Scriptures for all ages combined together. We meet on campus from 6-7pm.
Refining Generations
A multi-generational women’s ministry. Being refined by God’s word and biblical teaching through mentorship and fellowship.
This ministry will serve a multitude of women; mostly young women, with older women as mentors, married, divorced, widowed, single mothers, and women struggling with infertility; stay at home moms, working moms, moms who homeschool and moms who send their kids to school; all our welcome.
2nd and 4th Monday of each month
9:30am-11:30am Fellowship Hall
D Groups are our small discipleship groups within our church to encourage growth in the word and with one another. The D Group reading plan is available to request a printed copy from the church office.
D-Group members commit to:
Meet for one year with your group (early January – mid-November)
Meet weekly with your D group (about 1 ½ to 2 hours each week)
Memorize your weekly Scripture and be ready to say it out loud
Read your Bible daily
Journal at least 3x a week (you will be taught how to study and journal)Be ready to share one journal entry (how the Lord is speaking to you through His Word)
Study other materials
Decor Team: If you are a member of BFBC and like to decorate or just want to join in, this group helps decorate for the women’s events and other significant events around the year. If you have talent with this that even better! If you don’t, you can just join the fun. This team has a special time of bonding when meeting, working, and decorating as a body. What makes this team special is that is seeks to serve the people in our church and community as they bring beauty, warmth, and a restful feel to our events. If this interests you in serving as a team in our church body in this way, contact Cami at: docwallis2014@gmail.com
Food Team: Another way of plugging into our church and bonding with our members is through our Hospitality Food Team. Whether you like to cook and make a beautiful spread of delicious food and love people through this gift or you just want to jump and the join the fun with this team, this is an incredible way to bond with your sisters at BFBC and serve our people and community. This team is what makes our events amazing and makes our women there feel like they can relax and enjoy lovely, delicious food in the midst of crazy, busy lives. If this interests you, contact Becky at: beckya1168@aol.com
Bible Studies: Our in-depth Bible Studies are offered on weekdays and evenings throughout the year. Contact Becky at Beckya1168@aol.com
Our Events Team offers a Spring Women's Conference and a special Fall Event every year that provides worship and teaching in a setting designed to draw us closer to the Lord and connect relationally. Contact Karen at Karen.Leinen@yahoo.com
Fun Fellowship: Come join the fun with the ladies as we foster deeper friendships through crafts, games, ladies night out and much more throughout the year. Contact Amanda at Mrshendrixenglish@gmail.com.